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Electrotherapy weight loss before after - therapy weight loss before after

01-02-2017 à 20:10:51
Electrotherapy weight loss before after
In 7 months I have come down 7 trouser sizes, which has resulted in many favourable changes in my life. With these simple steps I was able to stay motivated and lose the weight. I remember the first day I got the eating plan. There was no photo of myself that I was happy with and there was no conversation with my family. 35kg my goal weight was 60kg and I did not like what I saw in the mirror. I could not have done it without the courteous and helpful, attentive staff at the branch. I was scared of the December holidays last year because I was going home. After 2 years of trying without luck it started dawning on me that there is a. I started gaining weight quickly and initially people would ask if I was pregnant but this just made everything worse. So in April we joined The Firm and in 7 months I have come down 4 pant sizes. I had a low self-esteem, I was bitter and always angry. Through this process I have learnt that food is not my emotional comforter and have found other ways to deal with down days and hormonal days. Hi, my name is Roelien Duvenage and I would like to tell you more about myself and why I did this challenge. I encourage everyone who has weight struggles to read my testimonial and know that there is a real life long solution and that. Leora entered the Firm A Body challenge for the first time at the end 2013, but unfortunately did not make the top 3. Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and looking good feels. Everything about my life has changed in the last 8 months and I could not be more grateful to THE FIRM and specifically to Carol. I tried various diets including a high protein diet in 2012 but nothing seemed to work for me. When I started I was 84. It was really hard for me to stick to the diet plan because I have never been on a diet before. I now take pride in myself, I wear clothes that I love, I enjoy going out and find these outings to be more enjoyable as I am no longer self-conscious. I am not so tired and lethargic, my cholesterol is normal and my feet no longer ache. I stopped attending family functions for fear of family mocking me or asking questions about my weight gain. I have had weight issues for most of my life and have tried many diets, tips and tricks but alas to no avail. I immediately signed up for a 6 month contract and started on the Monday with my new eating programme. I had a low self-esteem, I was bitter and always angry. Over the following 2 years she lost 28kgs and 344cms and is now under her goal weight. When I look in the mirror today I see a happy, confident and self assured woman. I spent most of my time reading success stories as it kept me motivated and on track, I also visualised a newer and better me. Weight has always been a struggle for me. Thngs I found difficult or impossible I can do again. Buhle advised that I had to lose 16. THE FIRM and are now on their journey of life-changing experiences. My insecurities were very apparent and my confidence was at its lowest. The eating plan is sustainable and easy to follow and has taught me better eating habits. I was negative, and it seemed an impossible challenge for me to lose weight. The first time I heard of The Firm was through a friend who lost 30kg. In April 2013 heard about The Firm and went to see. Each evening when I am cooking my dinner I prepare my breakfast and. I joined The Firm because I had got to the end of my tether with having to search for large sized clothing, living with aching feet, high cholesterol and always feeling tired and lethargic. Being at an all-time low at the realization that my usual size no longer fitted me, I made the decision at that moment that I never wanted to feel that way again and that I had to make a change. I now look forward to my detox day and also to preparing my meals each day. The weight continued to come off and so did the centimetres. I decided to make a final attempt at losing weight to be a happier person. She said that she had not heard about The Firm before, but she was given a 6 month Firm Gift Voucher as a birthday gift. The year of 2014 I had gained so much weight and was so miserable and angry. THE FIRM will partner with you every step of the way. I have learnt to make better decisions and to not dwell on bad decisions, but to learn from them and be positive. I had no confidence whatsoever and was embarrassed by the way I looked. I started eating to comfort myself and stopped paying attention to pretty much everything else. Comments from friends and colleagues have been amazing and really encourage me. This has been a life changing experience for me, I now have tons of energy, my self-esteem is at an all-time high and I exercise regularly. I knew then that this could be the correct route for me to take. The Firm for introducing me to this program as I now have a second chance to be happy. It hit home that the situation was just going to get worse, unless I do something to change it. A couple of days later I received a sms from The Firm with some winter specials and decided to go for it. I have struggled with my weight for almost 5 years, I tried slimming tablets, slimming teas, different types of diet plans to my surprise I only lost 3kg in all of those diets and it never lasted. During the first three months that I was at THE FIRM the changes that I saw in my body were so exciting that I decided to make. I was at work Nomaqhawe entered my office and she looked slimmed and I was concerned cause she was bit older than me, I asked her and she told me about The Firm and I check the website I saw all the people there but I did not believe it was going to be possible with me. I now look back and am speechless at all the junk I was. Comparing myself to other women had become a norm and my image of myself was extremely poor. I carried on with this new eating programme until my 6 month contract lapsed. My weight journey began in January this year. I was the happiest I have ever been and I thought the only thing. In my first week I lost one kilo and in the second week I lost two, and that inspired me. I spent endless days feeling depressed and sorry for myself. I have also begun to walk which has made me feel so good. Going into shops and choosing clothes that I love instead of buying clothes to hide my figure is fantastic - I have gone from a size 48 to a 36, and XXXL to Medium. I felt so supported and encouraged that I kept strong. As with all lifestyle changes, I encountered challenges on this weight loss journey. Failing to fall pregnant and not knowing why, had a huge impact on my self-confidence, my life as a whole. I now see the world of difference that a healthy body image has made to my life. I gained 31 kg, I was uncomfortable, I had no clothes that fitted anymore and I just felt useless. The Firm has changed my life for the better, I have regained my confidence and my self-esteem. I want to thank the ladies at The Firm Middelburg, guys I love you, you are the best. I then started on a diet which I found on the internet and lost about 2 kgs in 3 weeks before deciding that if I was going to lose weight I would also need to firm and tone my mature 58 year old skin. It is a quick and easy way to make sure that I am not going to end up turning to unhealthy alternatives when I am in a rush. It started with a shopping trip which ended in tears and self-loath. Her camera was constantly snapping and the photos duly sent to my husband to show him what a good time we were having. I even find myself making healthier food choices when I have to travel. At that point in time, Natasha said that reaching her goal weight seemed very unrealistic, but it was her big dream. For many weeks, I have been eyeing this unsightly. Over the seven months I have been with The Firm, I have gone from a size 48 jeans to a size 36. During a chance encounter, my husband had met a gentleman who had lost a significant amount of weight through The Firm. Our April Winner is 43-year-old, mother of one, Natasha. I had doubts about losing the weight so quickly, but within a few weeks I had lost so much and I kept on losing. Now I know it is very realistic and very much possible. Now I am able to also show others it can be done. But what I noticed is that I got full a lot sooner than I used to. 4kgs. With lots of encouragement and support from the Bluff team, I lost nearly 35 kgs and a whopping 245 cm. My work colleagues and family in particular have been so encouraged by what they saw in me that some of them also joined up at. I feel so much healthier and look healthier and even find myself wanting to exercise. This made her even more determined to get to her goal weight. I started getting my priorities straight again and. Leora entered the Firm A Body challenge for the first time at the end 2013, but unfortunately did not make the top 3.

I was initially nervous about whether I was going to be able to. She said that in three months there was a big difference in her clothes and she felt more positive, and full of life. Natasha said she was even more inspired when her son said he was proud of her, and that he thought she looked beautiful. However the support and encouragement of the ladies at The Firm inspired me and I became motivated to lose the weight. There and then I decided to join the Firm and to embark on a journey to shed my excess weight. They have truly been amazing and have pushed me when I needed a push, picked me up when I needed a pick up and been the support and the strength I never had on my own. In general, I feel healthier, have more energy and a better self image. For as long as I can remember I had a weight issue which affected me and followed me like a bad shadow. I have more confidence and have received several compliments. I feel so much healthier and look healthier and even find myself wanting to exercise. However, they were very positive and believed it was possible and realistic. Never could this short quote mean more to me than it does now. I have now also started to take a keen interest in health and nutrition and this is. 35kg my goal weight was 60kg and I did not like what I saw in the mirror. Thinking about it, I realised that when in public. I joined The Firm after trying so many different diets that were never very effective, and any weight loss was usually shortly regained. 3kg and 265cm in 18 months. At this point my weight had started to affect many aspects of my life. So encouraged was I, that I did another month at THE FIRM (August). Thank you to The Firm for helping me make this tremendous change. The key was to change my relationship with food, stuck to The Firms eating plan and to always keep my goal in mind. I was determined to prove my husband wrong and to become the wife that I knew he wanted me to be. I am so lucky to have met the team at a time when I felt like there was absolutely nowhere else for me to turn. It is really hard to lose weight, especially on your own, but when you have a team, a family, behind you it makes a huge difference. When being weighed in on the first Tuesday. This diet program has been perfect for me as it is affordable and so time manageable. I was at the point where I was an embarrassment for my husband and the worst part was that he stopped looking at me in the. I heard about The Firm from my very close friend Melissa, who won a previous Firm A Body Challenge. Thank you to The Firm for changing my life and the way I live it. I committed myself to the 3 months plan and the results were astonishing. She has been a huge support structure for me and she showed me it can be done and that there are happy endings. 9kg and 97. As a full time research student at UKZN both time and funds are limited. Over Easter 2013 my Dad suggested that we join The Firm as a team and try and lose weight together. I gave up smoking and started running each day. Comments from friends and colleagues have been amazing and really encourage me. Once I started the programme I was pleasantly surprised at how manageable it was and how exciting it was that something was. Upon joining The Firm and receiving my eating plan and suggested goal weight, I was naturally fearful about whether I could achieve this goal. Thank you to The Firm for helping me make this tremendous change. I have struggled with my weight for almost 5 years, I tried slimming tablets, slimming teas, different types of diet plans to my surprise I only lost 3kg in all of those diets and it never lasted. Thank you Ann and Charlene for always trying to be supportive and motivating along this path. The Eating plan is very easy to follow but there is a. When my three month contract had come to an end Carol and Ellen encouraged me to. This would complete my already perfect life and I started focusing. The more failed attempts to lose weight I encountered the more I would would lose hope in myself. 5cm in total. I lost 5. I want to thank the ladies at The Firm Middelburg, guys I love you, you are the best. Having to look at these photos flashing on the screen every time I walked past the PC was my wake up call. One day, whilst getting dressed, I realised that I, once again, have to go shopping for clothing as I was growing out of. I am still amazed at the impact THE FIRM has had on not just my weight but also my confidence and. Never did I imagine I could achieve my desired goal, and never would I have believed that in just a few months I would be setting myself an even lower, better goal. People often ask me how much time do I spend in the gym, and are shocked when I say I have never been to a gym in my life. 7kg and 31cm in the first month. Choosing The Firm to do this for me was an easy decision as a colleague had been going to The Firm and was looking great. It also felt as if everybody was staring at me. I even find myself making healthier food choices when I have to travel. The program really works but the success is in your own self belief that you can and want to do it. Doctors thought that my painful feet were as a result of gout. The turning point for me came after I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and felt like I was looking at. On the Saturday morning I walked in at the Firm Malvern and made enquiries upon which Buhle explained the process patiently to me. I had a dream as a little girl to get married to a wonderful man and to start a family. Determination to reach my goal and eventually to maintain my weight, motivated me to sign for a. We all make excuses that we have no time, as well as a myriad of other excuses, but the excuses are just due to our fear of failure. In retrospect I realize what an important role my mind-set played in this Journey. I made a promise to myself if been slimmer is going to make me a happier person I am going to lose weight and I will succeed no matter what. Preparation is the key to success on this eating plan. I found the diet very easy to follow (not always when on the road but knowing what to eat and how much helped to not pile on the kilos) and the fact that I can read a book while exercising was just the cherry on the top. To drink two litres of water a day was tough, and some days I felt like giving up. I found myself wearing clothes that I felt hid my weight, rather than clothes I liked. None of these challenges were however too great or difficult to overcome. I was at work Nomaqhawe entered my office and she looked slimmed and I was concerned cause she was bit older than me, I asked her and she told me about The Firm and I check the website I saw all the people there but I did not believe it was going to be possible with me. When I started I was 84. When I started this journey at the beginning of 2013 I never thought I would feel the way that I do now. Although disappointed that I had not reached my. The firm provides you with a foundation to lose weight, the staff at the firm are so accommodating and provide an excellent support system. When I look in the mirror today I see a happy, confident and self assured woman. I had heard about the Firm through some friends and someone I knew had won the challenge for 2014, I could not believe how well she had done. They definitely did not bring back happy memories for me, instead I kept on looking at this extremely bloated woman who had lost her femininity. I however got used to eating plan, with the help and a whole lot. Upon joining The Firm I was amazed by how supportive and friendly all the staff were at the Hillcrest branch. THE FIRM has been such an instrumental part in changing my life for the better, to the extent that it has touched the lives of. Patricia lost 59. To be honest, at this stage I almost felt discouraged but decided to regard this as a challenge and being. I found the diet very easy to follow (not always when on the road but knowing what to eat and how much helped to not pile on the kilos) and the fact that I can read a book while exercising was just the cherry on the top. After that I just kept going and now after 3 months I have lost a total of 20. I knew from the day I joined The Firm this was no longer a journey for just me to bare on my own. I now take pride in myself, I wear clothes that I love, I enjoy going out and find these outings to be more enjoyable as I am no longer self-conscious. He had added the photos to our photo album on the PC which also happens to be our screen saver. I am back to feeling comfortable with company, plus I am confident and disciplined. Every morning I get dressed in front of the mirror in my bedroom. My main challenge was having to drink 3 litres of water a day. Now I feel a lot more energetic and full of life. My face would then twist in total disgust I felt for my body and. I now see the world of difference that a healthy body image has made to my life. I always used to fold my arms in front of my body in an attempt to hide.

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